Technology myths debunked by Cura Systems 23Feb, 2024
Cura debunks these these technology myths

Cura debunks these myths and explains why technology is not as challenging as it seems

Myth #1: Technology will take over caregiving, leaving human caregivers jobless.

The need for human touch to be digitally supported has taken on a more challenging dimension as staff shortages and high vacancy rates are significantly impacting the quality of care. Digital solutions such as Cura are not designed to replace caregivers but rather to empower them.

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Cura Systems, New Year 21Jan, 2021
Take your care management to the next level

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed our world, and we have had to learn new ways to cope in an incredibly difficult environment. The virus has driven changes for the worse but also some for better outcomes.

Whilst the emergence of vaccines hold great promise for 2021, they will not change the fundamentals of providing care. Service Providers will continue to face extraordinary demands and this calls for a re-assessment of the tools required to maintain high standards of care. One such area is the adoption of technology as an aid to care excellence.

Digital System - A Post-Pandemic Necessity

Care homes that adopted digital systems, no matter how basic, before the outbreak have shown clear benefits in productivity, improved communications and huge savings in time. Cura Systems does that and more. It empowers the caregivers, freeing them up from tedious paperwork to support the service users and enables every action to be recorded in compliance with CQC regulations. Our latest addition, Resource Planner, enables flawless management of staff rosters; in conjunction with Cura Angel, a mobile based app that allows care staff to see and confirm their shifts, etc.

"There is an opportunity now for government, Parliament and health and care leaders to agree and lay out a vision for the future at both a national and local level. This should include plans for addressing the inequalities accentuated by COVID, the workforce challenges that have become even more acute, and the necessary investment in technology." - Peter Wyman and IanTrenholm, Chair and Chief Executive of CQC 

Cura: Your Guide to a Successful Digital Transformation Journey

Our focus is to provide a fully-integrated, easy to use care management system to improve quality of care and we look forward to an exciting and innovative 2021 for digital care. We understand the change required in processes and procedures and we are more than happy to guide you to a successful implementation, fully recognising the degree of change many older care workers have to go through. After all…Cura really does mean Care!

Kick start your new year with Cura! We are ready to support every home and make a positive change in your care delivery. Find out what you’re missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111or email at to book a full system online demonstration today.

KLOE Effective, CQC Compliance 6Feb, 2020
The Vital Role of Technology in KLOE Responsive

An outstanding rating for responsiveness presents great difficulty to most care providers and the latest definition “..responsive means that services meet people’s needs” has raised the bar in no uncertain terms.

KLOE Responsive: Achieving “Responsive” Care with Technology

This is the fourth of our new series or articles and we look at how care home owners and registered managers can ensure service users personalised needs are met through the use of smart technology.  Indeed, one of the new KLOE prompts specifically asks: How is technology used to support timely access to care and treatment? Is the technology (including telephone systems and online/digital services) easy to use?

All Service Providers set out to do the best for Service Users and to create a responsive environment, however, without the support of technology, it makes the task so much harder to deliver.  Clearly, technology is not the only answer but it goes a long way to help you deliver the desired outcome.

Aspects of “Responsive” that directly talk to the use of technology, include:

  • Up to date care, treatment and support plans
  • Reminders and alerts that encourage timely delivery of care and treatment
  • Personalised care plans
  • Instant availability of deep level information
  • Detailed assessment, electronic care plans and services recorded
  • Family and friends where appropriate, are actively involved through a mobile care monitoring app

Service Providers are expected to set and maintain the highest standards of care at all times. CQC now actively looks at how technology is used to make the service more responsive and our suite of applications supports care staff by giving them the information they need to ensure that they meet CQC’s criteria.

Cura helps service providers to achieving an outstanding rating for responsiveness with a feature rich care planning system designed from the ground up for caregivers and care homes.

Cura means care, and we are committed to supporting care home owners and care managers to deliver outstanding care. We help care homes with the most demanding needs to deliver better quality outcomes by automating more daily tasks for management and caregivers than any other care home software.

See how we can help your delivery of care by booking a full system demonstration today. Contact us on 020 3621 9111 or email at

We hope you enjoyed this article. Look out for further articles here on what makes an outstanding care home as recognised by CQC.

KLOE Effective, CQC Compliance 13May, 2019
Effective care gives care home residents and their loved ones peace of mind…and that’s official!

Delivering Effective Care: A Top CQC Priority

  • An outstanding care home must be effective, one of the CQC’s five key lines of enquiry. In the second of our new series, we look at how care home owners and key decision makers can ensure they meet the CQC’s criteria.
  • CQC’s defines effective to mean that people’s care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and based on the best available evidence

Finding out what a good care home looks like helps families make choices about the care of their loved ones. It can also help them understand what they should expect from a service provider.


The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the body responsible making sure that residential care homes meet the highest standards of care. One of the questions the CQC asks is how effective a home is. What does this mean in practice?

A critical concern is that staff must have the right knowledge, qualifications and skills to carry out their roles, enabling residents to have a good quality of life. They should always ask for a resident’s permission to give care, treatment and support in a way that is easy to understand. Family and friends should also be involved in decisions about care, where appropriate.

Staff should know about each resident’s health needs and personal preferences, and give them as much choice and control as possible. Staff should also work with health and social care professionals, such as GPs, and take the right action at the right time to maintain good health.

The CQC gives the highest priority to nutritional needs, and one crucial measure of an effective care home is that staff make sure residents get the right food and drink they need.

Residents should also expect to be asked for their likes and needs when the home is adapted or decorated. Any changes to the home should be made to help residents to be as independent as possible.

Cura means care, and we are committed to supporting owners and managers to deliver outstanding care. We help care homes with the most demanding needs to deliver better quality outcomes by automating more daily tasks for management and caregivers than any other care home software.

CQC also looks at how technology is used to make the service more effective and our suite of applications supports care staff by giving them the information they need to ensure that they meet CQC’s criteria for the effective running of their care home. Electronic records for care homes and mobile care apps support care home managers to meet and exceed CQC standards. Our intuitive home care system deliver real benefits to everyone connected to the home.

We hope you enjoyed this article. For more insights on what makes an outstanding care home as recognised by the CQC, be sure to visit the KLOE Caring blog. Stay tuned for more informative articles!

27Feb, 2019
Cupid visits Fulford Nursing Home on Valentine’s Day

Love is in the care! Cura spreads the message of love by surprising the residents of Fulford Nursing Home on 14th February 2019.

Experience the Difference with Cura's Nursing Home System

“We work with hundreds of providers and suppliers all the time but Cura make a difference, not every company goes above and beyond, and Cura always do.” - Ms Elizabeth Hancock, Managing Director

“Cura has helped us capture special moments and share the moments with their families as well,” - Alison Wimbles, Nurse

“It really is a very good surprise. Uplifting, I’m pleased.” - Muriel, resident

Cura Means Care

Our tagline “Cura means Care” says it all. Our team will hold your hand through every step of your journey and ensure you and your entire team get the most from the use of technology in a care environment. Together we can go further to safeguard your residents and care workers.

For more information on Cura Systems and our groundbreaking products and services, please email us on or call us today on 020 3621 9111.

Cura System, Microsoft Competency 3Aug, 2017
Cura Systems Achieves a Microsoft Gold Application Development Competency

Cura Systems demonstrates best-in-class capability and market leadership through demonstrated technology success and customer commitment.

Microsoft Gold Application Development Competency

The Microsoft Gold Competency distinguishes Cura Systems within the top 1% of Microsoft’s partner ecosystem, which is made up of 640,000 partners worldwide.

“Becoming a Microsoft Gold Application Development competency partner showcases our expertise and our commitment to the residential care technology market. It also demonstrates our deep knowledge of Microsoft and its products, which enables us to be technology advisors for our customer’s, able to meet their evolving business needs.” – Charmaine Chong, Managing Director

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