Cura Systems, Covid-19 Outbreak 24Feb, 2021
Cura’s Digital Care Tools for Covid-19

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed our world and we have had to learn new ways to cope in an incredibly difficult environment. We are now living in a time where embracing technology seems to be the best option to deliver better quality outcomes and Cura Systems is proud to be at the forefront of this change.

Free Digital Tools to Enhance Care During COVID-19

Cura offers these secure tools for FREE when you avail our fully-integrated, easy-to-use care management system to support caregivers deliver better and safer care during and beyond the covid-19 outbreak.

  • Cura Kin: Family Connection App 

Mobile care monitoring app that allows designated family members to stay in touch with the home and their loved ones

  • Cura Angel: Caregiver Support App

Mobile care app that assists caregivers in other areas such as, training, reading documents and gives them a secure communication channel whilst they are away from the care home.

  • Cura Clock In: Streamlined Attendance Tracking

Tablet based app to enable staff, residents, next-of-kin and visitor’s to clock in and out from any android device

  • Cura Video Meeting Tool: Virtual Connections for Residents

Enables you to call family and friends of service users to overcome some part of the loss of physical contact.

Cura means care...and we care as much for you, as you do for your service users. Cura is ready to support every home and ready to make a positive change in your care delivery.

If you would like to have a no-obligations, quick look at Cura, please contact us on 020 3621 9111 or email at for an on-line demo.

*Terms and conditions apply

Cura Systems, New Year 21Jan, 2021
Take your care management to the next level

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed our world, and we have had to learn new ways to cope in an incredibly difficult environment. The virus has driven changes for the worse but also some for better outcomes.

Whilst the emergence of vaccines hold great promise for 2021, they will not change the fundamentals of providing care. Service Providers will continue to face extraordinary demands and this calls for a re-assessment of the tools required to maintain high standards of care. One such area is the adoption of technology as an aid to care excellence.

Digital System - A Post-Pandemic Necessity

Care homes that adopted digital systems, no matter how basic, before the outbreak have shown clear benefits in productivity, improved communications and huge savings in time. Cura Systems does that and more. It empowers the caregivers, freeing them up from tedious paperwork to support the service users and enables every action to be recorded in compliance with CQC regulations. Our latest addition, Resource Planner, enables flawless management of staff rosters; in conjunction with Cura Angel, a mobile based app that allows care staff to see and confirm their shifts, etc.

"There is an opportunity now for government, Parliament and health and care leaders to agree and lay out a vision for the future at both a national and local level. This should include plans for addressing the inequalities accentuated by COVID, the workforce challenges that have become even more acute, and the necessary investment in technology." - Peter Wyman and IanTrenholm, Chair and Chief Executive of CQC 

Cura: Your Guide to a Successful Digital Transformation Journey

Our focus is to provide a fully-integrated, easy to use care management system to improve quality of care and we look forward to an exciting and innovative 2021 for digital care. We understand the change required in processes and procedures and we are more than happy to guide you to a successful implementation, fully recognising the degree of change many older care workers have to go through. After all…Cura really does mean Care!

Kick start your new year with Cura! We are ready to support every home and make a positive change in your care delivery. Find out what you’re missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111or email at to book a full system online demonstration today.

Cura Systems, Intuitive Billing Plan 5Aug, 2020
Cura launches billing module

Cura Systems, a well established, care management system has just taken another leap forward with a brand new Billing System designed specifically for the Social Care market. The care system, with its highly configurable modules cover an extraordinarily wide spread of functionality and makes Cura a truly intuitive product.

Billing System for Care Homes

The billing module has been carefully designed to support even the most complex invoicing situations and incorporates processes to highlight errors and omissions, even providing a special interface to enable speedy resolution. Its workflow has been optimised to provide a logical sequence of processes that give flexibility for different invoicing situations and ease of tailoring the process by Home fees, services, funders or ad-hoc items.

Cura care software has a tool that not only provides analysis and reports on completed and pending invoicing but will also highlight Client accounts. The module, due to its enhanced features and streamlined workflow is equally applicable to the smaller care home at is to the medium to large care home group.

Get Started with Cura Invoicing Module - Boost Efficiency Today!

Find out what you’re missing, call us on 020 3621 9111 or email at if you would like to book an on-line demonstration.

Cura Systems, Covid-19 Outbreak 3Apr, 2020
Cura cares about you

Cura Means Care: Supporting the Care Community During Covid-19 outbreak

Caring for our community is always a priority for us, even more so during these unpredictable times. We sincerely thank our brave health care workers and other frontliners for their selfless service. We also send our best wishes to anyone who has been or is unwell, or who is taking care of people afflicted with Covid-19. We wish you a speedy return to good health. 

Cura’s response to COVID-19 outbreak:

  • Cura releases a brand new Form Builder 
  • A Covid-19 Risk Assessment Form to assess the risks and remedial actions to be taken in this exceptional time.
  • CQC Statutory Notification – the amended form for reporting Covid-19 related matters is now available in Cura  
  • Cura‘s Video Meeting Tool now enables you to call family and friends of service users to overcome some part of the loss of physical contact.
  • Cura Kin, our mobile care monitoring app, allows designated family members to stay in touch with the home and their loved ones.
  • Cura is committed to providing a seamless and uninterrupted service for our users, even in these difficult times. We have procedures and precautions in place to help contain the spread of COVID-19 within the various locations from which we operate. These include making sure all key support staff, developers and managers are suitably equipped to operate securely from remote locations and enabling video meetings and training.

Cura care home management system is at the forefront of technology and takes caregiving to a whole new level. We save managers’ and caregivers’ time by automating more daily tasks than any other care home software.

We support care homes of all types and sizes, be they a family run, single care home, a larger care provider or residential care; but in particular, those providing complex care needs. However complex and demanding your care requirements, Cura can support you.

Covid-19 has changed the way we live and work. We know that you and your colleagues are facing many challenges in these difficult times. On behalf of all at Cura Systems, we wish you, your staff and your loved ones health and safety. After all, ‘Cura means Care’!

If you would like to have a no-obligations, quick look at Cura, click here to book a demo.

CQC Report, Electronic Care Plans 22Oct, 2019
Cura Supports CQC’s State of Care Annual Report

The Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) annual assessment of the state of health and social care in England shows how providers are working together more effectively – often using technology to help – to ensure that people get the care they need when they need it.

CQC is clearly supporting the use of technology and innovation to improve the delivery of quality care.  Cura shares this belief and wholeheartedly supports CQC’s leadership in encouraging care providers to use of digital systems to enhance their care services.  Read the full report here:

Cura’s view on CQC’s five key barriers to adoption of technology

1. A lack of funding to invest in technology

Investment in technology pays for itself in the long run.  The cost of handling paper will continue to rise.  Going digital also saves caregiver’s time (up to 2 hours per day) that can be better deployed.

2. A low level of knowledge and awareness among providers and staff – adoption of technology tends to rely on confident individuals

Technology can be daunting. A step-by-step adoption works well.  Cura’s user friendly, intuitive care management systems and a friendly helpdesk with lots of hand-holding will ease the process in every step of your digital journey.

3. Fear that technology could replace personal support

Technology will never replace the human touch! Technology makes quality care easier.  To survive in the digital age, care providers must embrace technology to improve outcomes.

4. The perception that people who use adult social care are not interested or will respond badly to technology

Lack of IT knowledge using digital care systems for adult social care may lead to wrong perceptions of its potential as a tool to transform care – life changing for both the caregivers and service users. Our customers have seen positive results of how they have delivered effective individualized care by simply using our electronic care plans.

5. Concerns about ethical or data protection implications in adopting technology that uses personal information

Cura’s Cloud servers are hosted with the industry’s most respected organisations and we are vigilant about security and constantly upgrade our systems to avoid the growing number of threats. Under no circumstances will we share any customer data held in our servers with anyone and all data control vests with the care home.

The CQC has continually urged health and care services to embrace innovative digital technologiesWe have the right tools and support to improve CQC ratings. If you do not yet use technology within your care setting. It’s time to go paperless and reap significant benefits. Find out what you’re missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111 to see the most feature rich care home software in the market today.

Cura Systems, Tablet-based Care Home Software 13Oct, 2017
Cura Systems response to the CQC State of Care report

This year’s State of Care report shows the quality of health and social care has been maintained, despite very real challenges, the majority of people are getting good care. But future quality is precarious at best, as the system struggles with complex new types of care demand and needs, access and cost.

CQC State of Annual Report in Health Care

The Care Quality Commission’s annual assessment of the quality of health and social care in England contains much that is encouraging. As of 31 July 2017, 78% of adult social care services were rated good (71% were rated good at 31 July 2016) but it continually echoed this was due to tireless efforts of care leaders and staff and noted the continuing risk of a ‘tipping point’. It is crucial that we do something before service deterioration outpaces the capacity for service improvement.

Professor Martin Green, OBE, Chief Executive of Care England highlighted, “There is a lot of uncertainty in the sector and by dragging its heels, and Government simply cannot abdicate responsibility for those in need of care.”

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