Duty Roster 7Mar, 2022
Cura’s Response to the Health Secretary’s speech at the HSJ Summit

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and shortage of staff have amplified demands for technology solutions to augment care. We have seen regulatory authorities in the social care sector urging care providers to adopt the use of technology as a tool not only to connect to everyone in the care ecosystem but also to improve the way care is delivered; improve the admission process, medication management, documentation of service users’ records, and sharing of vital information. It is also evident that care homes can gain much greater assurance when processes and procedures are alerted at the appropriate time, monitored and reported in a timely manner.

Cura: Your Partner in Transforming Social Care Delivery

At the recent Health Service Journal's Digital Transformation Summit, Health Secretary Sajid Javid in his speech set out a digital agenda to harness digital transformation in the social care sector. He outlined four priorities to use the power of digital to drive a new era of recover and reform: ensuring the NHS is set up properly to succeed, levelling throughout the NHS and social care, pursuing personalisation, and making big breakthrough bets on emerging technologies and data.

“Digital transformation is not something that you can delegate. It must be led from the front,” Sajid says, who believes electronic patient records are the essential prerequisite for a modern, digital NHS and without them, we cannot achieve the full potential for reform.” Link to Gov.UK website

Javid also announced that he wants to accelerate the roll rollout of vital records with a new approach to hit 90% coverage by December next year. Sajid Javid said: “Everywhere I went I saw incredible examples of how digital technologies are already transforming health and care for the better.

“I want to see a particular focus on social care, where around 40% of providers are still grappling entirely with paper-based records. So, want to see all social care providers adopt a digital social care record.”

The outbreak has illustrated the vital role of service providers to create a safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led environment; however, without the support of technology, it makes care so much more difficult to deliver. Clearly, technology changes the way we live and work by using care apps and digital care devices such as Cura’s suite of applications.

Embracing Technology for a More Resilient Social Care System

Cura, an intuitive care management system, is supporting efforts to equip each home with a tech-driven solution and a digitally conscious care environment. Cura care systems are equipped with a rich set of tools and features and committed to bringing further innovations to benefit all involved in the provision of care.

We are all required to adjust to the new normal and prepare ourselves for similar future pandemics and global emergencies. We are now living in a time where embracing technology seems to be the best option to deliver better quality outcomes.

Cura will continually bring care to the next level by working towards more innovative ways in the advancement of technology.

Find out how we can support you on your digital transformation journey by booking an on-line demonstration. Contact us on 020 3621 9111 or email at info@cura.systems.

Cura Systems, New Year 21Jan, 2021
Take your care management to the next level

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed our world, and we have had to learn new ways to cope in an incredibly difficult environment. The virus has driven changes for the worse but also some for better outcomes.

Whilst the emergence of vaccines hold great promise for 2021, they will not change the fundamentals of providing care. Service Providers will continue to face extraordinary demands and this calls for a re-assessment of the tools required to maintain high standards of care. One such area is the adoption of technology as an aid to care excellence.

Digital System - A Post-Pandemic Necessity

Care homes that adopted digital systems, no matter how basic, before the outbreak have shown clear benefits in productivity, improved communications and huge savings in time. Cura Systems does that and more. It empowers the caregivers, freeing them up from tedious paperwork to support the service users and enables every action to be recorded in compliance with CQC regulations. Our latest addition, Resource Planner, enables flawless management of staff rosters; in conjunction with Cura Angel, a mobile based app that allows care staff to see and confirm their shifts, etc.

"There is an opportunity now for government, Parliament and health and care leaders to agree and lay out a vision for the future at both a national and local level. This should include plans for addressing the inequalities accentuated by COVID, the workforce challenges that have become even more acute, and the necessary investment in technology." - Peter Wyman and IanTrenholm, Chair and Chief Executive of CQC 

Cura: Your Guide to a Successful Digital Transformation Journey

Our focus is to provide a fully-integrated, easy to use care management system to improve quality of care and we look forward to an exciting and innovative 2021 for digital care. We understand the change required in processes and procedures and we are more than happy to guide you to a successful implementation, fully recognising the degree of change many older care workers have to go through. After all…Cura really does mean Care!

Kick start your new year with Cura! We are ready to support every home and make a positive change in your care delivery. Find out what you’re missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111or email at info@cura.systems to book a full system online demonstration today.

21Sep, 2020
Using technology to deliver outstanding care

Like it or not, technology has crept into our daily lives. And now, it has a rapidly growing role in the long-term social care sector.  Tech-savvy care homes now use powerful Tablets and other mobile devices at the point of care delivery to ensure the appropriate care is delivered and on a timely basis.

Unlock Better Care with Powerful Digital Care Plan System

Most Service Providers recognise the need for some form of digital support to cope with mounting paperwork but have been slow to embrace technology. Reasons for not adopting technology in care are as varied as the people they care for.  Most typically, there is a fear of change acerbated by a lack of understanding of how going digital will improve lives… for owners, for care managers, for care staff and for service users. 

According to McKinsey Digital, 45% of almost every job can go digital and the benefits range from increased output, higher quality to improved reliability.  Technology also drives value in business in four ways: enhanced connectivity, automation of manual tasks, improved decision making and product or service innovation. Embracing these priorities will influence not only the pace of change within the organisation, but also strengthen and sharpen the competitive edge.

I have been a long-term proponent of the use of technology in the care sector and have concluded the care home industry is way behind in terms of adopting technology (as compared to other healthcare settings).  Care providers need to look at ways to bring care to the next level by taking advantage of readily available advancements in care technology.

Transforming Care with Digital Technology during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 has left a profound impact on care and it will continue to change the future of care.  The virus has put pressure on all aspects of the health system but nowhere more so than the care home sector.  New challenges have emerged that could not have been foreseen.  A “new normal” has to emerge to enable us to address the challenges care providers are now faced with and to be prepared for re-emergences of Covid or other Corona Virus like infections.  Therefore, we must pay attention to what makes delivery of caregiving easier and yet deliver a better quality of care.

Clinical aspects aside, I believe care providers will need greater reliance on technology with the use of smarter digital care systems such as apps to connect to a wider care ecosystem.  Having had hands-on experience in both paper-based and digital approaches, technology-based care systems trumps paper, every time!

Technology impacts the social and complex care sector

Technology is the most reliable driving force to improve outcomes!  Having worked as a Registered Manager managing mental health services, learning difficulty services and residential care services, I have seen how inaccuracies in paper-based care plans or medication recording can expose the service user to a seriously adverse impact.

Specialised digital care systems, such as Cura, can make a significant difference, for example, monitoring service users’ conditions accurately and in real-time by using customizable assessments and personalised care plans.  These are specifically designed for residential and nursing, or those providing specialised care to service users living with dementia, long-term chronic illnesses and those with autism and/or learning difficulties.  Cura also provides the Managers access to all records in one place, allowing them to oversee all service user records in one secure, user-friendly environment….all this so vital when staff are quarantined and new HCAs are brought in to fill staffing gaps.

Choosing a good care system

Given the plethora of care management systems now available, it has become a mind boggling exercise to weed out the offerings that are good at a specific aspect of the provision of care.  It’s not just about adopting technology.  It is about managing the transformation to a new opportunity for the care providers to improve the way care is delivered; admission process, medication management, documentation of residents’ records, and sharing of vital information in the care ecosystem.

Most systems available on the market are very similar. They will have a database that can be accessed either through a laptop, tablet or mobile phone.  They all enable electronic care plans to be produced along with a whole host of other modules.  Some will have unique features such as medication management and the costs will vary from company to company.  The choice can be bewildering; so, how do you choose which system is best for your environment?  These are some aspects you will need to consider:

  • Care planning, monitoring and auditing
  • Alerts and reminders, with automated handover notes
  • The ability to devise your own forms
  • Flexible, configurable solution for complex care environments
  • Compliance and audit tools
  • Policies and quality assurance
  • Proactive support through the implementation process and thereafter
  • ...and a lot more!

Most importantly, acquiring and implementing a system is an ongoing partnership with the company that you choose. Are they sympathetic to your needs and requirements?  Do they listen and offer solutions to your specific problems?  Are they reactive to new needs?  Does your supplier share your vision of what going digital means?

Tips, Tricks & Traps

  • Avoid customised or bespoke care systems. They cost the earth and some!
  • Short-term trials are useless! Use Pilot studies… test & learn
  • Start as you mean to continue
  • Don’t automate a job…automate the process!
  • Check supplier references (not product references) & commitment to future of care
  • Redefine work…Reduction in staff is not the aim, at least not in the short term
  • Investment should be proportional to the benefit
  • Be selective – Start where digital records are likely to deliver the greatest return and the best outcomes.
  • Don’t try to automate everything at once.
  • Set reasonable goals for expectations and outcomes
  • Business Continuity – Power or ISP or Wi-Fi or Equipment outages?
  • Technology by itself delivers no value – needs excellent processes
  • Build IT capability – start at the top of the organisation

We are all guilty of doing the same thing repeatedly and expect different results. Ready or not, it’s time to embrace technology that will enable you to take greater control of the care operations and provide better care and better visibility to service users.  By adopting digital technology, it will afford you more flexibility in how, when and where you can access care records.  It will also reduce administration time for yourself and your staff, giving you time back to be spent with your service users.

It is always a challenging task to deliver outstanding care and the pressure to find ways on how to evidence standards of care and meet Care Quality Commission’s compliance requirements.  One important part of becoming a good care manager is to accept change, embrace what the future of care holds and start your digital journey.

Cura Care Planning Systems, Electronic Care Plan 15Aug, 2019
Cura Leads the Way to Going Digital

Like it or not, technology has crept into our daily lives. And now, it has a rapidly growing role in the long term care sector and the ageing population. Tech-savvy care homes now use powerful tablets and other mobile devices at the point of care delivery to ensure the appropriate care is delivered and on a timely basis.

Care providers have been slow to embrace technology with typical fear of technology and change. The lack of IT knowledge is just one of the reasons why care providers avoid going digital.  The change required in processes and procedures is all too often overlooked or under-played.  The reliance on “good-old paper” that cannot be accidentally deleted is a real factor and change management has to recognise the degree of change many older care workers have to go through before they are comfortable with an alien way of doing things.

Evidence-based Digital Care Systems

John Rowley, Senior Sales Manager from Cura Systems has been a long term proponent of the use of technology in the care sector and has observed “The care home industry is way behind in terms of adopting technology. We at Cura will continually bring care to the next level by working towards more innovative ways in the advancement of technology”

Cura understands the significance of such issues.  Cura technology and processes are designed to make the transition as painless as possible and gain the buy-in from care givers so that the adoption of technology is seen to benefit the caregivers and lead to durable improved performance

Given the plethora of care management systems now available, it has become a mind boggling exercise to weed out the offerings that are good at a specific aspect of the provision of care.  Cura have taken a different approach, the system has adopted a comprehensive approach with the widest functionality in the market.  Its Tablet version, designed from the ground up for caregivers is largely intuitive and requires hardly any training.  But it’s not just about adopting technology. It is about managing the transformation to a new opportunity for the care providers to improve the way care is delivered; admission process, medication management, documentation of residents’ records, and sharing of vital information in the care ecosystem.

Embracing Technology in Caregiving

In recent statements, CQC (Care Quality Commission) has also urged health and care service providers to embrace innovative digital technologies to improve care delivery. Technological innovations such as care apps and tablets that can help to take more control over care. Find out CQC’s strategic priority here: CQC-Driving improvement through technology

With the inevitable onward march of care systems and compliance with CQC’s vision 2021, care homes need to be implementing or at least preparing to go digital.

Cura is at the forefront of technology innovation and transforms caregiving. We support care homes of all types and sizes, whether that be a family run, single care home, a larger care provider, or those providing specialised care to service users with complex care needs.

Cura Systems ensure that you get the most out of our care management system and be handheld through the going digital process. Bring genuine person-centred care a step closer and give your care home a competitive advantage.

Speak to our customers to fully understand the Cura Systems way of going digital. Please quote “Cura means Care” whilst booking your Cura demonstration to get your free ‘Go Green Bag’.

Cura Systems, suite of Care Planning Systems 7Nov, 2016
Switching to Electronic Record Keeping in your Care Setting

In October 2016 I spoke about the implementation of an Electronic Record Keeping System at a presentation at the Northampton Care Association Technology Day. Delegates generally acknowledged the need to so and this led me on to ask the question – why haven’t you already installed one?

As always, the answer to simple questions are complicated. Why would you want to take the risk of change and leave the comfort of good old paper records? We have lived with old records and care plans of residents and we can (eventually) find what we are looking for. But we know that is not the case!

Cura Advantage: Embracing Electronic Record Keeping in Care Home

With the inevitable implementation of paperless management, mobile care monitoring and care planning systems and compliance with the vision of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) 2021 strategy we all need to be implementing or at least planning to acquire an electronic care planning system. Apart from reducing that paperwork mountain what are the other benefits?

Let’s look at some of the issues that Social Care in England is facing. Due to many factors our ageing population is increasing at an alarming rate. People are living longer and many are also living with complex needs. Many of these needs will be met by Care Homes, Nursing Homes and Domiciliary Care.

Along with the increased demand for care, we have a national shortage of suitable staff. Added to that, we have funding problems and potential problems associated with Brexit.

So in summary, increased demand, fewer staff and less money!

Every person that enters a care setting needs and deserves the best available care. Enabling delivery of high quality care is essential for the resident/patient, carer and their families and friends. Monitoring of that care and a record of its delivery is required by the regulator.

How can an electronic care home system help address these issues?

Records of all aspects of care can be recorded electronically. I could write the rest of this article about this record keeping alone but there are far more benefits to the installation of an electronic system.

What do carers really want to do? They want to care for residents/patients. That is the reason why they want to work in the Social Care sector. What is reducing the amount of time that they spend with residents? Primarily, the amount of paperwork that they have to complete.

Let’s look at some of the other advantages.

You have really good staff – how are you going to retain them? Experienced carers are precious and good managers realise this. Retaining good staff, is a complex solution. Many care workers move around from home to home within a local area. How do you retain yours?

Managing and developing your staff is key to their happiness and will increase the likelihood of them staying with you. Investing in your staff and improving their job satisfaction is certainly a well-trodden path by successful organisations. Are your staff training goals realistic and in line with CQC standards? How are your staff accessing training tools and where is the evidence that they are using them?

Is an experienced carer more likely to want to work for a care provider with a great CQC rating? What would happen if your manager left your organisation? Would your rating remain the same? You may have plans to improve on your current rating but how would the loss of your manager affect that rating?

Installation of an electronic care management system would reduce paperwork, facilitate the use of training tools and record that staff are compliant. By investing in an electronic system you are showing your staff that you are not only interested in delivering the best possible care but also that the people delivering that care are being well supported and their need are met. This goes directly to a well led rating.

So, having thought about how to support your staff lets move to the elephant in the room – DATA.

How are you going to generate the data required by the Department of Health, CQC, ADASS, NMDS-SC, Skills for Health, Local Authorities, Think Tanks, universities and a whole host of others. We all know that we need to store and generate this data but how can it be accessed quickly and efficiently?

Electronic care plans enable synthesis of information and allow generation of graphs and tables in a click. Most of us are still very comfortable with pen and paper and I for one love a new notebook but times are changing. Most of us are very happy with our mobile phones, in fact some of us cannot live without them. So, what is so different when we think about installing an electronic care planning system, when we live with new technology all of the time outside of work?

My personal idea is that there is an element of fear. Fear of a new system and fear of the culture change within our work places and uncertainty that may arise from change. These fears are justified. Many of us have worked with a paper based care planning system for years. We know what we are doing and it works. The new system is not only unfamiliar but it comes with new technology that appears to be complicated. Are you uncertain as to what a “cloud based system’ is? Are you worried about the security of the data and information that you store? Many more people than you might imagine are fearful of these issues.

Let’s try to put these fears in perspective…

Security of your data and information is paramount! NHS has produced guidelines which if followed religiously, will protect data from straying. Most systems available in the market are largely similar. They will have a database that sits in the “Cloud” and can be accessed either through a laptop, tablet(electronic) or mobile phone. They enable electronic assessments and electronic care plans to be produced along with a whole host of other processes(modules). Some will have unique features such as medication management and the costs will vary from company to company.

Fear of the Cloud is yet another point of fear. We have heard of so many horror stories of data loss that make the fear so real. However, a reputable supplier will ensure the system is hosted at a very secure and reliable site that has a great deal to lose through any breach of security.

How do you choose which care home software to purchase? Think about what you want from the care home software and not what the companies think that you want. Any product is only as good as the support that comes with it. Ask to see what the product looks like and see how user friendly it is. A well designed care planning system will be intuitive and within a few minutes you will be able to see the benefits of having so much information, accessed at the point of care. Can you implement it in stages without the vendor losing interest in you?

Purchasing and implementing a care home software is an ongoing partnership with the company that you choose. Do you like the sales/development team that you are dealing with? Are they sympathetic to your needs and requirements? Do they listen and offer care home solutions to your specific problems? Do they have innovative solutions and are open to your views and suggested changes? Or are you forced to accept any colour as long as it is black!

Chances are you will eventually purchase a care home software and like so many that have made the right choice of vendor partner, you will look back on this time of indecision and think – why on earth didn’t I do this sooner because however challenging the process of change may be, it will be a lot easier that managing that pile of paperwork.