Cura Roster…helps boost staff engagement and retention!

Implementing an effective digital rostering system can have a significant impact on staff and caregivers.  Well-managed scheduling practices are more likely to create a positive work environment that fosters job satisfaction and boost staff morale, productivity, and retention rates. 

High turnover rates are very costly, and the cost is not just financial! When an employee leaves, it takes vital time and resources to hire and train a new joiner. Other staff invariably need to take on additional responsibilities, leading to increased workload, disengagement, and potential burnout.

If you are looking for a better digital rostering system that can help improve employee engagement and retention, here are a few things to consider:

  • A highly configurable workflow process and ability to filter the roster to your requirements.
  • A system that is specifically designed to handle complex care situations.
  • Flexible and scalable – provides the ability to add or remove features as needed, to scale the system up or down to meet your needs, and to integrate with other tools and systems.
  • Provide robust reporting to track and make data driven decisions about resource allocation.
  • Requires minimal training and implementation effort with an attractive and easy-to-use interface.
  • Strong security measures are in place and are compliant with GDPR.

Cura Roster is here to help!

Designed for the care sector, Cura Roster has a user-friendly interface, including “drag and drop” and alternative planning views to provide a simple way to allocate suitable caregivers to shifts and evidence staffing compliance.  

Cura Roster enables flawless management of staff rosters; in conjunction with Cura Angel, a mobile based app that allows care staff to see and confirm their shifts, etc. It provides tools and features to manage staff schedules efficiently and effectively, ensuring that you always have the right number of staff available to provide the necessary care for your service users.

Service Providers can use more advanced functions to assist in planning staffing requirements and build a roster that will help schedule the correct number of staff, required roles and skills needed for the service to work efficiently and safely, in single or multiple sites.

Here are some of the new features:  

  • Enable delegation of rota management.
  • Simplify Scheduling – create rotas with a few clicks, by location.
  • Avoid over/under staffing due to scheduling conflicts and fill empty shifts. 
  • Drag and drop shift allocations. 
  • Better visibility of caregiver workload using colour-coded shifts. 
  • ...and a lot more!

Cura care management systems contain a rich set of tools and features, and we are committed to bringing further innovations to benefit service providers. Cura is ready to support every home and ready to make a positive change to care delivery.

If you would like to have a no-obligations, quick look at Cura, please contact us on 020 3621 9111or email at for an on-line demo.