Cura Systems, Tablet-based Care Home Software 17Jun, 2019
Putting care back into care homes

An outstanding care home must be caring, one of the CQC’s five key lines of enquiry. In the third of our new series, we look at how care home owners and key decision makers can ensure they meet the CQC’s criteria.

In the best care homes, all staff involve and treat their residents with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect. It should not need saying but these qualities must be at the centre of all care and in all residential and nursing homes.

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the body responsible for ensuring the highest standards of care, asks five key questions when it monitors services to help focus on the things that matter to people. 

The fourth question is absolutely critical: are staff caring?

All homes set out to do the best for residents and to create a caring environment. Sometimes, in a busy environment, maintaining the highest standards all the time can be a challenge. Understanding the CQC’s line of enquiry can help to ensure that these standards are maintained or exceeded.

Key Lines of Enquiry: Caring

The CQC expects staff to treat people with kindness and compassion in their day-to-day care and support. Evidencing of care is critical. The CQC will look for evidence that people, and those close to them, feel they matter. This means that staff listen to them and talk to them appropriately, in a way they can understand. To do this, staff need to know the people they are caring for, including their preferences and personal histories. In a good home, staff show concern for people’s wellbeing in a caring and meaningful way, and respond to their needs promptly.  Compassionate, respectful and empathetic behaviour is understood and promoted within the staff team.

The service should support residents to express their views and be actively involved in making decisions about their care, support and treatment as far as possible. Staff recognise when residents need and want support from their carers, advocates or representatives to help them understand and be involved in their care, treatment and support.  Staff give information to residents, their families and other carers about external bodies, community organisations and advocacy services that can provide independent support and advice, answer questions about their care, treatment and support, and, where necessary, advocate for them.  Relatives and friends should feel welcome and able to visit without being unnecessarily restricted.

Respecting and promoting people’s privacy, dignity and independence is essential, including during physical and intimate care. Staff should respond in a compassionate and timely way when residents experience physical pain, discomfort or emotional distress. Information about them should be treated confidentially in a way that complies with the Data Protection Act.

The service must make sure that young adults have choice and flexibility about their privacy and the amount of parental involvement in managing their care and support after moving into adult services.

Cura means care, and we are committed to supporting owners and managers to deliver outstanding care. We help care homes with the most demanding needs to deliver better quality outcomes by automating more daily tasks for management and caregivers than any other care home software. When it comes to caring, our care home management systems support staff with the information they need about residents and help managers foster a positive, caring environment.

Our electronic care planning record and mobile care apps support care home managers to meet and exceed CQC standards. Our comprehensive care home systems deliver real benefits to everyone connected to the home.

  • We hope you enjoyed this article. Look out for further articles here on what makes an outstanding care home as recognised by the CQC.
Christmas Campaign, Free Christmas Tote Bag 25Dec, 2018
12 days of Christmas

Include Cura’s Caregiving System  to your Christmas Wish List

On the 1st day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: A wonderful way to save so much time on paperwork

On the 2nd day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: Easy mobile care monitoring apps that help me to spend more quality time with my residents

On the 3rd day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: forms that are filled in by speaking to them

On the 4th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: A way to keep my residents healthy and safe with individualized checklists

On the 5th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: A way to manage medication so that there are fewer mistakes

On the 6th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: voice and video communication with my resident’s family

On the 7th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: my very own “angel“ that keeps me in the picture at all times, even when away from the home

On the 8th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: A meal-planner to ensure my residents eat well

On the 9th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: A care planning system that will help us improve care and make residents happier

On the 10th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: the ability to record daily events on the go

On the 11th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: A staff planner to better plan our shifts & people

On the 12th day of Christmas, Cura gave to me: reminders of things that I may have forgotten

Please fill out this form to book your FREE Demo for your care home and to get your FREE Tote Bag.

Terms and conditions apply
* The offer period is from 25th December 2019 to 31st January 2020
* This offer is only applicable to all care homes, residential and nursing homes
* Our team will contact you within two weeks to schedule your free demo and how to claim your free tote bag

Cura Systems, Executive Director Abu Omar 2Aug, 2016
Cura improves planning and monitoring at the point-of-care

Too much time is wasted checking care plans, handing over from one carer to the next, and updating resident records. Even computer-based systems take people away from their residents to input information into back office systems. Cura aims to change all that with an electronic records system that delivers all its power at the point of care on a handheld tablet-based device.

Revolutionising Care Management with Cura Electronic Records System

Cura Systems is introducing a suite of applications that gives care home teams complete access to digital care planning and monitoring on a tablet computer.

The company aims to put power back in the hands of carers, freeing them up to support their residents rather than constantly forcing them to fill in paperwork and ensure that every action is recorded and compliant with modern regulations.

“Caring for the elderly and incapacitated has never been easy and now even more challenging with increasing compliance requirements and paperwork taking their toll on scarce resources that should be spent in providing care,” the company says. “With Cura, you can simply get all information relevant to the care of the individual in the hands of the carer and where it matters most: at the point of care delivery,” it adds.

In a demonstration of Cura to Care Home Professional, the company’s director and founder Abu Omar (pictured above) showed the vast array of applications that carers can use at the tap or swipe of a tablet screen. Modules include electronic care plans, daily event reports, laundry planning, meal plans, medication tracking and body mapping so that a resident’s injuries and vital signs can be monitored.

“The tablet computer carries all of the power and control of the care planning system, with the back end servers subservient to the front end,” Mr Omar explained. “The power is in the pocket of the caregiver,” he stresses.

Development of Cura System

Development of Cura – the Latin translation for ‘care’ – began eight years ago in Singapore, and is widely used by the care industry in the Asian city state. It was first introduced to UK care operators at the Care and Dementia Show in Birmingham last year following extensive work to ensure that the system is compliant with all UK regulatory authorities and has details of British medicines and medical terms.

All aspects of clinical and personal care can be monitored from Cura. In the demonstration, we were shown a typical snapshot of a carer’s day with resident interactions recorded including sleeping and waking, going to the bathroom, administering medication, booking an appointment at the hairdresser and registering that clean linen had been delivered.

With many of the interactions, there are detailed checks such as the mood of the resident during the activity, how much food or drink has been consumed, and what the person’s vital signs are following an activity. This information builds into a highly detailed picture of the care each resident is receiving, and the affect it is having on him or her over the time they live in a home.

The tablet screen is divided in two. On the left are all the application modules that relate to the resident’s care. On the right are apps that provide important information for the carer such as the schedule of what is happening in the home on any day, the food and drink menu, and details of consumables that need to be ordered.

There is also an extensive library of advice where carers can search for information, and also ask questions. “They just ask Cura, how do I book transport? for example,” Mr Omar explains.

Transport can even be integrated into the app. Cura demonstrated how a local taxi firm could be connected so that they could be summoned from the carer’s tablet.

Helping the elderly with their medication is one of the main challenges care service providers face, and the handover of care from one carer to another increases the difficulty and risk of mistakes being made.

Mr Abu showed how Cura minimises the risk of errors in medication or other healthcare interventions, with alerts for medication, a full medical history of conditions and vital signs of each resident, body maps and notes.

“Every intervention is logged, so there is considerably less chance of errors, even if several carers are involved with a resident over days or weeks,” Mr Omar explains.

If there are any issues that cannot be addressed by the carer, Cura includes a chat system that allows care providers to communicate in real time with key contacts such as doctors, pharmacists and others. “With Cura, care givers have relevant information available at the point-of-care-delivery,” says Mr Omar.

Cura's Care Ecosystem

The aim of Cura is to create an ecosystem of care around each resident, so that they benefit from contact with carers, GPs, pharmacists and their family members. The mobile care monitoring includes an app called Cura Kin, which relays information about the resident to relatives. “Cura Kin is a mobile care monitoring app and a wonderful way for the next-of-kin to stay in touch with their elderly relative in a care home. Push technology relays certain information about the resident to their relative and enables the user to stay in touch with the care home and care givers,” Mr Omar explains.

The depth and breadth of the services delivered on a handheld tablet may lead operators to fear the complexity and cost of moving to Cura, but Mr Omar says he encourages customers to start small and simple and build from there.

Rather than deploy every application in the Cura suite across multiple care homes at the same time, the company suggests people begin with a small number of apps in a single care home. “We always recommend baby steps,” says Mr Omar. “Identify one pain point and address it using the care planning system. That might mean only one or two modules to begin with. People quickly gain confidence and grow from there,” he adds.

The cost of getting started is also attractive, with the care home software priced at under £3 per resident in a home that deploys it. Cura offers training for all staff on the system for around £300, and administrators are guided through a step-by-step migration process.

By Rob Corder, Care Home Professional Magazine – July 2016