Duty Roster 7Mar, 2022
Cura’s Response to the Health Secretary’s speech at the HSJ Summit

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and shortage of staff have amplified demands for technology solutions to augment care. We have seen regulatory authorities in the social care sector urging care providers to adopt the use of technology as a tool not only to connect to everyone in the care ecosystem but also to improve the way care is delivered; improve the admission process, medication management, documentation of service users’ records, and sharing of vital information. It is also evident that care homes can gain much greater assurance when processes and procedures are alerted at the appropriate time, monitored and reported in a timely manner.

Cura: Your Partner in Transforming Social Care Delivery

At the recent Health Service Journal's Digital Transformation Summit, Health Secretary Sajid Javid in his speech set out a digital agenda to harness digital transformation in the social care sector. He outlined four priorities to use the power of digital to drive a new era of recover and reform: ensuring the NHS is set up properly to succeed, levelling throughout the NHS and social care, pursuing personalisation, and making big breakthrough bets on emerging technologies and data.

“Digital transformation is not something that you can delegate. It must be led from the front,” Sajid says, who believes electronic patient records are the essential prerequisite for a modern, digital NHS and without them, we cannot achieve the full potential for reform.” Link to Gov.UK website

Javid also announced that he wants to accelerate the roll rollout of vital records with a new approach to hit 90% coverage by December next year. Sajid Javid said: “Everywhere I went I saw incredible examples of how digital technologies are already transforming health and care for the better.

“I want to see a particular focus on social care, where around 40% of providers are still grappling entirely with paper-based records. So, want to see all social care providers adopt a digital social care record.”

The outbreak has illustrated the vital role of service providers to create a safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led environment; however, without the support of technology, it makes care so much more difficult to deliver. Clearly, technology changes the way we live and work by using care apps and digital care devices such as Cura’s suite of applications.

Embracing Technology for a More Resilient Social Care System

Cura, an intuitive care management system, is supporting efforts to equip each home with a tech-driven solution and a digitally conscious care environment. Cura care systems are equipped with a rich set of tools and features and committed to bringing further innovations to benefit all involved in the provision of care.

We are all required to adjust to the new normal and prepare ourselves for similar future pandemics and global emergencies. We are now living in a time where embracing technology seems to be the best option to deliver better quality outcomes.

Cura will continually bring care to the next level by working towards more innovative ways in the advancement of technology.

Find out how we can support you on your digital transformation journey by booking an on-line demonstration. Contact us on 020 3621 9111 or email at info@cura.systems.

Cura Care Planning Systems, Electronic Care Plan 15Aug, 2019
Cura Leads the Way to Going Digital

Like it or not, technology has crept into our daily lives. And now, it has a rapidly growing role in the long term care sector and the ageing population. Tech-savvy care homes now use powerful tablets and other mobile devices at the point of care delivery to ensure the appropriate care is delivered and on a timely basis.

Care providers have been slow to embrace technology with typical fear of technology and change. The lack of IT knowledge is just one of the reasons why care providers avoid going digital.  The change required in processes and procedures is all too often overlooked or under-played.  The reliance on “good-old paper” that cannot be accidentally deleted is a real factor and change management has to recognise the degree of change many older care workers have to go through before they are comfortable with an alien way of doing things.

Evidence-based Digital Care Systems

John Rowley, Senior Sales Manager from Cura Systems has been a long term proponent of the use of technology in the care sector and has observed “The care home industry is way behind in terms of adopting technology. We at Cura will continually bring care to the next level by working towards more innovative ways in the advancement of technology”

Cura understands the significance of such issues.  Cura technology and processes are designed to make the transition as painless as possible and gain the buy-in from care givers so that the adoption of technology is seen to benefit the caregivers and lead to durable improved performance

Given the plethora of care management systems now available, it has become a mind boggling exercise to weed out the offerings that are good at a specific aspect of the provision of care.  Cura have taken a different approach, the system has adopted a comprehensive approach with the widest functionality in the market.  Its Tablet version, designed from the ground up for caregivers is largely intuitive and requires hardly any training.  But it’s not just about adopting technology. It is about managing the transformation to a new opportunity for the care providers to improve the way care is delivered; admission process, medication management, documentation of residents’ records, and sharing of vital information in the care ecosystem.

Embracing Technology in Caregiving

In recent statements, CQC (Care Quality Commission) has also urged health and care service providers to embrace innovative digital technologies to improve care delivery. Technological innovations such as care apps and tablets that can help to take more control over care. Find out CQC’s strategic priority here: CQC-Driving improvement through technology

With the inevitable onward march of care systems and compliance with CQC’s vision 2021, care homes need to be implementing or at least preparing to go digital.

Cura is at the forefront of technology innovation and transforms caregiving. We support care homes of all types and sizes, whether that be a family run, single care home, a larger care provider, or those providing specialised care to service users with complex care needs.

Cura Systems ensure that you get the most out of our care management system and be handheld through the going digital process. Bring genuine person-centred care a step closer and give your care home a competitive advantage.

Speak to our customers to fully understand the Cura Systems way of going digital. Please quote “Cura means Care” whilst booking your Cura demonstration to get your free ‘Go Green Bag’.

Care at Home, Digital Care Planning System 30Nov, 2018
Why digital systems are vital for smaller care homes

It’s not just the large homes that benefit from going digital. Taking away wasted time on paperwork will make your care time so much more productive, a digital care planning system can introduce greater efficiency, along with the freedom to spend more time delivering excellent services.

Digital Care Planning System for Care Homes

Care homes that introduce a digital system quickly benefit from results such as boosted productivity, improved communications, and better outcomes for residents. A digital platform can eliminate a large amount of time-consuming paperwork while making compliance with care standards easier and providing tools to measure performance. With a digital system it’s easy to demonstrate qualityof care and improve CQC ratings.

Cura’s Competitive Edge

Maintaining a competitive advantage is critical for the smaller care home. An intelligently modern digital care management system creates a platform that enables a care facility to be nimble and adaptive when compared with bigger, slower rivals. An intricate array of complex tasks underpin a successful care home, and a versatile digital system allows integration of every aspect, evolving and developing with changing demands while streamlining services.

Some care home staff have reservations about using digital technology, but a well designed, intuitive care system can make their job easier. Supported by the kind of training that sensitively imparts the skills required, many care workers may be surprised by how simple it is to go digital. Rapid reporting, effortless data trails and easy mobile care monitoring of administration and electronic care planning are just some of the other benefits of a digital care home system.

Modern and Intuitive Care Software

Digital care planning system for care homes can also analyse information and provide alerts along with easy transfer of data at the end of a shift. An effective care system is one that is tailored to the specific needs of the care facility, and flexible modules can be customised not just to the individual character of smaller care homes, but to individual residents themselves. When the right system is implemented, the flow of information is enhanced, saving time and energy. Digital systems for social care provide instant overviews of progress across markers ranging from medication to maintenance, and enhance every sector of resident care.

An innovator and leader in care home management software, Cura Systems delivers an integrated web platform that is a central control point for better management, better decisions and ultimately better quality of care.

Residents and their families expect service of consistent excellence, and Cura Systems can help smaller care homes to provide it.

6Sep, 2016
Cura provides a solution to tedious paperwork

A NATIONAL company is doing its bit to provide care homes across the country with an easier technological care management solution to tedious paper work.

Cura Advanced Technologies Ltd was founded by Abu Omar while he was caring for his elderly mother. He wanted to create a user friendly service that made care giver’s jobs easier and gave him piece of mind.

He said: “I’ve been in the IT business for about 35 years, my mother is 90 and I was thinking about what I would want to see if she was in a home, that’s where the idea for the business came. “My mother still travels a lot and it’s nice to know that my brothers can check in and see how she is doing using our technology.”

Care Management Solution to Tedious Paperwork

The concept has three components: Cura Web, Cura Tablet and Cura Kin. It was rolled out in England last year. Abu added: “We started about 18 months ago with a lot of fact finding and research on what changes we had to make to our system for greater accessibility and compliance with UK standards and customer practices.”

The user friendly care planning system covers every aspect of the caring process, liberating caregivers from tedious paper work by providing them with an easy to use web based care home system, a tablet and a mobile care monitoring app. Abu said: “Today absolutely everybody can use a mobile phone, we wanted to create a type of technology that was as easy to use as a mobile phone.” The care planning system allows care givers to take vital information from residents and input it to their system instantly by using a user friendly tablet.

Care Quality Commission

Abu added: “The CQC want people to be well looked after, safe and respected but there has to be evidence of that, we can provide technology that meets the demands and is easy to use and update.“ A home can be run perfectly very day of the year but on the day the inspector comes a dementia resident could say they don’t like the food, even if they don’t remember what they had to eat. “The care planning app allow care givers to input the information quickly and easily.”

Abu wanted to ensure that relatives were able to see exactly how their loved ones were doing, creating a social media style app, available on any smart phone that provides residents with a photo sharing platform. He added: “With the care homes approval and consent people involved in the caring process and residents next of kin can download an app and see what their grandma is doing, what she had for dinner and what activities she’s been involved in.”

Abu believes some care givers have the wrong mind set when it comes to technology because of past experiences with long winded and complicated care home systems, he want to change the way carers think about industry technology, seeing it as a helpful tool rather than a hindrance. “Caregivers are so busy they feel they don’t have time to use technology, computer systems have not been very kind and that’s given people the mindset they have to be fed in order to get anything done.

“We want to get them out of that mindset and get them to embrace technology.”