Cura Systems, Carer Caring the Elderly 6Nov, 2019
Leadership is Crucial to Delivering Outstanding Care

What makes an outstanding care home?

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), five key questions when it monitors services to help focus on the things that matter to people. The fifth question is extremely important: Is the home well-led?

Is your service well-led? CQC defines “well led” as the leadership, management and governance of the organisation to ensure it provides high-quality care based around the individual’s needs, that it encourages learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture.

CQC KLOE Well-Led Rating: How Technology Drives Outstanding Care in Your Care Home

Achieving an outstanding rating in key line of enquiry well-led means care home owners and registered care home managers can effectively monitor and improve the quality of care in the home. Caregivers are now expected to have the right attitude and latest information to hand to deliver sustainable care.

Service Users have changing care needs and there should be in place a strong framework of accountability to monitor performance and risk, leading to the delivery of demonstrable quality improvements to the service. This is where technology comes into the fore.

The use of technology is no longer an option. The best care homes are going digital and clearly pushing the boundary towards better care. Cura Systems is proud to be at the forefront of this change.

Cura…Your Digital Partner for Achieving CQC Well-Led Status

Cura leads the way into achieving a well-led rating with features that alert and track critical actions. Evidence of training, improving communication through our discussion module, better rota scheduling, audit trail and other features greatly improve leadership capability and service delivery.

We work closely with care home owners and managers to deliver a full digital care planning system at a low cost. Cura helps to save caregiver time (from tedious paperwork) and makes more time available for care. We think Cura does this better than any other care home software.

When it comes to caring for you and your team, our support staff are on standby. We are ready to help with any early adoption issues and show you how to get the most from Cura. Cura means care, and we are committed to supporting your delivery of outstanding care and to meet and exceed CQC standards. Our comprehensive electronic care plans delivers real benefits to everyone connected to the home.

We hope you enjoyed this article. Look out for further articles here on what makes an outstanding care home as recognised by the CQC.

Find out what you’re missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111 to see the most feature rich care home software in the market today.

Nurse with Senior Resident, Electronic Care Plans for Care Homes 11Oct, 2019
Achieve Outstanding Care by Switching to Electronic Care Planning System

Technology in care has become increasingly important, transforming the way care is delivered. We have heard positive feedbacks from different care homes how they have improved their ratings by simply using electronic care plans, resulting in many people experiencing better and safer care.

Unlock Outstanding Care: How Electronic Care Plans for Care Homes Boost CQC Ratings

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has continually encourage health and social care providers to embrace innovative digital technologies to improve care delivery.

Kate Terroni, chief inspector of adult social care for the CQC has highlighted in her recent blog that more and more care providers have been using electronic care plans to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care at the touch of a button. Read the full article here:

Digitally-enabled care planning can offer significant benefits to service users. We provide care providers with our comprehensive home care systems and secure tools and support to achieve and evidence your CQC compliance and delivery of best breed of care.

Here are just some benefits from using electronic care plans for care homes:

  1. More control over health, safety and well-being of service users
  2. Better visibility of care operations
  3. Reduce paperwork, resulting in more time to care
  4. Improve communication, administration cost and care outcomes
  5. Empower care teams make better decisions

Speak to our customers to fully understand the Cura Systems way of going digital. Please quote “Cura means Care” whilst booking your Cura demonstration to get your free ‘Go Green Bag’.

13Jul, 2017
Transforming the State of Social Care

Enhance your care home’s CQC inspection rating with Cura Systems’ care management solutions. Ensure safety, effectiveness, and more.

The CQC has recently released their report on the State of Social Care in the UK, which highlights:

  • The majority of care providers at 77% are providing a Good level of service
  • Only 2% of care services being rated achieve an Outstanding certification.
  • 2% of care services are currently rated as Inadequate, and 19% of services are rated as Requires Improvement. That equates to 21%, over a fifth of the entire market is offering below standard delivery of care.

CQC Inspection Criteria

Too many services are not improving or seem incapable of improving. 38% retain their rating of requires improvement following re-inspection, despite knowing from CQC inspections what needs to change and 5% of these services had deteriorated. Community social care services such as domiciliary care, supported living and shared lives were rated the best overall whilst nursing homes remain the biggest concern. Poor medicine management system was highlighted as a key factor including poor administration, lack of knowledge, poor record keeping, lack of audits and incorrect storage.

These figures and findings will undermine the public’s confidence in the sector as a whole – a sector that we are becoming increasingly reliant on as our population ages and people’s needs at all ages become more complex.

So how do we move forward? How do we improve and develop care delivery to achieve that elusive OUTSTANDING certification?

Cura Systems offers you the care home management solution. Keep a transparent, easy to access audit trail of all your record keeping, Provide your care workers with the tools they need to know how to complete their tasks at the point of care delivery and ensure medicines are managed correctly.

Cura also helps you capture incident evidence and create meaningful bespoke management dashboard reporting. In the eyes of the CQC, if you didn’t record it, it didn’t happen.

How Cura helps you to meet the CQC’s inspection criteria:

  • Safety –With the Cura medication module, drug rounds can be tracked throughout your care home as they happen, with automated mishap prevention mechanisms.
  • EffectivenessAccess to your residents’ personal and medical records using electronic care plans at the point of care allows the most efficient and personalised care to be delivered.
  • Caring – Reducing the amount of time required on paperwork and administration, we can help you spend more time with your residents, armed with the appropriate knowledge of the service user and individualised care plans… even if the care provider is new to the service user. Cura care planning system helps to provide the evidence that the resident is at the centre of all decision making.
  • Responsiveness – Set reminders for your care team to review electronic care plans to ensure that they are always kept up-to-date and be instantly alerted if there are any issues with your residents’ health or safeguarding. Evidence that residents and families are involved in how they wish care and support to be delivered.
  • Well-led – Your care workers will feel well supported by the management team. Tracking of training, improved communication through our Discussion module, better rota scheduling and other features will greatly improve leadership capability and service delivery.

Prove you are OUTSTANDING. We provide care homes with the tools and support to improve your CQC rating.

Contact the Cura Systems team today. 020 3621 9111.