Nurse with Senior Resident, Electronic Care Plans for Care Homes 11Oct, 2019
Achieve Outstanding Care by Switching to Electronic Care Planning System

Technology in care has become increasingly important, transforming the way care is delivered. We have heard positive feedbacks from different care homes how they have improved their ratings by simply using electronic care plans, resulting in many people experiencing better and safer care.

Unlock Outstanding Care: How Electronic Care Plans for Care Homes Boost CQC Ratings

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has continually encourage health and social care providers to embrace innovative digital technologies to improve care delivery.

Kate Terroni, chief inspector of adult social care for the CQC has highlighted in her recent blog that more and more care providers have been using electronic care plans to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care at the touch of a button. Read the full article here:

Digitally-enabled care planning can offer significant benefits to service users. We provide care providers with our comprehensive home care systems and secure tools and support to achieve and evidence your CQC compliance and delivery of best breed of care.

Here are just some benefits from using electronic care plans for care homes:

  1. More control over health, safety and well-being of service users
  2. Better visibility of care operations
  3. Reduce paperwork, resulting in more time to care
  4. Improve communication, administration cost and care outcomes
  5. Empower care teams make better decisions

Speak to our customers to fully understand the Cura Systems way of going digital. Please quote “Cura means Care” whilst booking your Cura demonstration to get your free ‘Go Green Bag’.

Cura Systems, KLOE Safety 17Apr, 2019
Putting safety at the centre of all decisions about the care of your loved ones

What Makes a “Safe” Care Home?

Safety is at the heart of CQC’s five key lines of enquiry. In the first of a new series we look at the importance of the first standard: SAFETY

When the time comes for a loved one to move to a care home it is only natural that the first and overriding concern will be for their safety. Entrusting a mum, dad, husband or wife to the care of strangers pushes against natural instincts to do all that we can to protect and provide for them ourselves.

Choosing the right care home is one of the biggest and most difficult decisions to be made and safety will figure very prominently in the selection of a care home. Care homes need to have appropriate tools to demonstrate to relatives of prospective service users their ability to monitor safety.

Also, recognising these concerns, the first question asked by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is always about safety. CQC also expects care homes to be effective, caring, responsive and well-led. But its first key line of enquiry concerns safety.


‘Safe’, in this instance, means taking every possible step to ensure that residents are protected from abuse and avoidable harm. Abuse can be physical, sexual, mental or psychological, financial, neglect, institutional or discriminatory abuse.

Avoidable harm will consider everything from medicines management to safe use of facilities and equipment. CQC scrutiny is robust to ensure that all these conditions are met. CQC inspection reports give families and loved ones the information they need regarding a home’s ability to meet these conditions consistently.

Electronic care plans for care homes and mobile care monitoring can play a significant role in supporting care home managers to meet and exceed CQC standards.

Cura also recognises the critical importance of safety in care. Our comprehensive care management systems deliver real benefits to everyone connected to the home. Cura’s suite of applications supports care staff by giving them the information they need to ensure that they meet CQC’s criteria, including the safe delivery of care.

We hope you enjoyed this article. Look out for further articles here on what makes an outstanding care home as recognised by the CQC.

Cura Systems, CQC Declare Your Care 14Mar, 2019
Millions don’t raise their concerns over care.

Few people like to complain, especially when there is a risk of conflict. The same applies if it involves issues of a personal nature. That’s why it is so difficult for most of use to raise concerns about care, whether it involves us personally or a loved one. We often feel that carers are doing their best under difficult circumstances and we don’t want to add to their burden.

Care Quality Commission’s #DeclareYourCare Campaign

Improving the quality of care is everyone’s business, whether it is in a care home, a hospital or a medical centre. This is more likely to happen if we have an open and honest public conversation about the care we experience, whether it is good or poor. We need to raise concerns about poor care, so that it may be put right. But we also need to highlight good and best practice, so that others may learn from this positive experience.

That’s why CURA is supporting #DeclareYourCare, a new campaign by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC is the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. Its year-long campaign encourages people to share their experiences of care. Not just poor care, but good care too.

The campaign builds on research by the CQC, which shows people regret not raising concerns about their care, while those who do raise concerns see improvements. According to the CQC, almost seven million people with concerns about their care in the past five years did not make a complaint. The research also found that 58 percent of these people regretted not raising their concerns. Of those who did raise a concern or complaint, 66 percent found the issue was quickly resolved, it helped the service to improve and they were happy with the outcome.

The CQC research also reveals the reasons why people said they didn’t raise their concerns:

  • The feeling that nothing would change as a result (37 percent).
  • Not knowing who to raise their concerns with (33 percent).
  • Not wanting to be seen as a troublemaker (33 percent).
  • Worrying about not being taken seriously (28 percent).
  • Not knowing how to raise their complaint (20 percent).

With one in three people admitting that they did not know how to raise a concern or make a complaint, the CQC is reminding all providers of the importance of making sure that service users and their loved ones are aware that processes are in place to respond to their concerns.

Speak to the care home or agency care manager to give them a chance to investigate, explain and put things right. Tell them what you want them to do. Don’t be worried about raising issues. If you don’t speak up, then improvements can’t be made or problems resolved. A manager may not be aware there is an issue until you raise it. Most problems can be easily resolved at this stage; however, you may wish to agree a time frame for a resolution.

Keep accurate records of your complaint and any communication.

 Put everything in writing so there’s a record of correspondence, keep notes of telephone calls and meetings, and keep a diary of issues relating to your complaint.

Cura’s priority is the high-quality, safe care of residents. 

Our Care Home Management Solutions are focused on ensuring that residents feel reassured, more involved and have confidence in their care home.

When carers use Cura’s electronic care agency software to deliver your care they are ensuring a more personalised and reliable service. The care planning system also monitors the safety of your environment so that you can feel more content.

Cura also gives reassurance to your loved ones. 

Our mobile care monitoring app, Cura Kin, gives authorised family members and friends secure access to information about your daily well-being, meals, participation in activities and much more. Cura Kin also allows family members to keep residents informed of their news with messages and photos.

The most important thing is that you should not feel afraid to speak up. If you don’t raise concerns, nothing can be done about them. Raising awareness of problems could help to make things better, as well as raising awareness for other people being cared for by the same provider.