The Vital Role of Technology in KLOE Responsive

An outstanding rating for responsiveness presents great difficulty to most care providers and the latest definition “..responsive means that services meet people’s needs” has raised the bar in no uncertain terms.

KLOE Responsive: Achieving “Responsive” Care with Technology

This is the fourth of our new series or articles and we look at how care home owners and registered managers can ensure service users personalised needs are met through the use of smart technology.  Indeed, one of the new KLOE prompts specifically asks: How is technology used to support timely access to care and treatment? Is the technology (including telephone systems and online/digital services) easy to use?

All Service Providers set out to do the best for Service Users and to create a responsive environment, however, without the support of technology, it makes the task so much harder to deliver.  Clearly, technology is not the only answer but it goes a long way to help you deliver the desired outcome.

Aspects of “Responsive” that directly talk to the use of technology, include:

  • Up to date care, treatment and support plans
  • Reminders and alerts that encourage timely delivery of care and treatment
  • Personalised care plans
  • Instant availability of deep level information
  • Detailed assessment, electronic care plans and services recorded
  • Family and friends where appropriate, are actively involved through a mobile care monitoring app

Service Providers are expected to set and maintain the highest standards of care at all times. CQC now actively looks at how technology is used to make the service more responsive and our suite of applications supports care staff by giving them the information they need to ensure that they meet CQC’s criteria.

Cura helps service providers to achieving an outstanding rating for responsiveness with a feature rich care planning system designed from the ground up for caregivers and care homes.

Cura means care, and we are committed to supporting care home owners and care managers to deliver outstanding care. We help care homes with the most demanding needs to deliver better quality outcomes by automating more daily tasks for management and caregivers than any other care home software.

See how we can help your delivery of care by booking a full system demonstration today. Contact us on 020 3621 9111 or email at

We hope you enjoyed this article. Look out for further articles here on what makes an outstanding care home as recognised by CQC.