CQC State of Care Annual Report 2021/2022

The CQC (Care Quality Commission) State of Care report presents the insights, trends and themes from inspection activity findings, information from the public and those who deliver care, and other evidence.

The main message is that the health and care system is ‘gridlocked and unable to operate effectively’, which means people are stuck – services are finding it very difficult to get and keep the right number of staff with the right skills to meet people’s needs.

Now more than ever, staff shortages and high vacancy rates are significantly impacting the quality of care. Care homes are short staffed, care givers feel burnout and managers suffer the administrative burden of bridging the growing gaps.

Cura empowers the care workforce in complex care settings

The challenge of how staffing levels can be optimised has never been more critical. Having an appropriate care management system in place is crucial not only to service users’ safety; it also plays a vital role in ensuring the right information and other critical data are on hand to enable planning for the right people in the right places.

A specialised digital system like Cura can improve the efficiency of care and help move away from reactive to proactive approaches. Cura’s aim is to empower the carer, freeing them from tedious paperwork to focus on service users and to ensure that every action is recorded and compliant with the CQC regulations.

Cura Roster, in conjunction with Cura Angel enables flawless scheduling of staff; Cura Angel is a mobile based care app that allows care staff to see and confirm their shifts and other updates, etc. The module comprises a user-friendly interface, including “drag and drop” and alternative planning views to provide a simple way to allocate suitable staff to shifts and evidence staffing compliance.

Here are some of the new features in Cura:

  • Enable delegation of rota management
  • Broadcast vacant shifts
  • Simplify Scheduling – create rotas with a few clicks, by location
  • Avoid over/under staffing due to scheduling conflicts and fill empty shifts
  • Drag and drop shift allocations
  • Better visibility of caregiver workload using colour-coded shifts
  • Clock In’ functionality to show location sensitive attendance
  • GPS/Facial recognition support for attendance evidencing

In a recent statement, Kate Terroni, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Integrated Care and Interim Chief Operating Officer, said:

“In this report, we’ve highlighted examples of local innovation – joining up these pockets of innovation has the potential to help unblock the gridlock. However, this can only happen in conjunction with a real focus on planning, investment, and workforce.” Read more…

The time is now to invest in a digital workforce system! Given the complex nature of caregiving and its changing demands, the need for digitally driven care is vital to strengthen the workforce; increase staff retention, identify skills gaps, savings in time and cost, boost productivity and ultimately improve outcomes.

Cura Systems are equipped with a rich set of tools and features, and we are committed to bringing further innovations to benefit all involved in the provision of care. Cura is ready to support every home and ready to make a positive change to care delivery.

Technology is clearly pushing the boundary towards better care and Cura Systems is proud to be at the forefront of this change. We provide care homes providing complex care needs with the secure tools and support to achieve and evidence their CQC compliance and delivery of best of breed care.

If you are not yet using Cura within your care setting, it’s a good time to go paperless and reap significant benefits. Find out what you’re missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111 to see the most feature rich care home software in the market today.