Cura Tablet, Digital Care Plans 23Oct, 2020
Do your Digital Records match the new CQC guide?

How good are your digital care records?

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) recently published a guide that clarifies what good digital records look like. It also covers the commitments CQC makes to support providers’ use of digital record systems and what CQC will look at on inspection.

The guidance states that a good digital record system delivers good outcomes from the point of view of people who use services. These are worded from the perspective of someone using services and are captured by “I statements”. Read more…

Cura Vs The CQC Guide

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    I have records that…

    Features in Cura

    …are person-centred. They describe what is important to me, including my needs, preferences and choices You can create your own complex care plans and workflow to enable truly person centred documentation, unique and appropriate by different client types, needs and conditions.
    …are accessible. I can see the information that is important to me, in a way that I choose, and I can understand An easy to use Tablet shows every detail necessary at the point of care delivery.
    …are legible. Information about me is recorded clearly and can be easily read by the people who support me Information wherever entered, is immediately available at the point of care delivery.
    …are accurate. Information about me  is correct and does not contain errors Cura’s Speech to text data entry saves time and greatly reduces errors.

    ...are complete. No relevant or essential information about me missing

    Cura provides up to date access to all service user records in one secure, in a user-friendly way, in one place.
    …are up to date. They contain the latest relevant and essential information about me Updating of service user records is done in one system that is accessible to all that need to see and provide support
    …are always available to the people who need to see them when they need them All records are instantly available from our secure cloud so that informed decisions can be made.
    …are secure. My privacy and confidentiality are protected. Only the people who should see my records can see them (records are kept in line with Data Protection legislation, including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements) Cura adheres strictly to data protection regulations. Cura has a highly granulated way of controlling access to data.
    help the service that supports me to have good quality assurance systems and processes. They help the provider to assess, monitor and minimise the risks to my health, safety and wellbeing. They help the service that supports me to keep improving. Cura has reminders and alerts that prompt timely care as well as other features that enable delivery of consistent quality of service, such as staff manuals, how-do-I,  training records etc.

    Benefits of Cura's Digital Care Record Management System

    Cura is at the forefront of technology innovation and transforms caregiving. We support care homes of all types and sizes, and in particular, service providers supporting complex care needs.

    We work closely with care-home owners and managers to deliver a fully digital care management system at an affordable cost. Cura helps deliver better quality outcomes by automating more daily tasks for management and caregivers than any other care home software.

    Going digital is the only way forward – where the inspector has access to digital records they need not ask for paper records. Inspectors may ask for specific formats where it is necessary for regulatory decision making or enforcement action.

    CQC is developing their next five-year strategy from 2021 onwards. This will have a key focus on driving improvement and innovation. That is why Cura is continually developing its products and services to ensure we are futureproofed for our customers – we are committed to caring.

    It's time to embrace innovative digital technologies and reap significant benefits! We have the right tools and support to improve CQC ratings. Find out what you have been missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111 or email to for a chat about what Cura can do for you.

    6Sep, 2016
    Cura provides a solution to tedious paperwork

    A NATIONAL company is doing its bit to provide care homes across the country with an easier technological care management solution to tedious paper work.

    Cura Advanced Technologies Ltd was founded by Abu Omar while he was caring for his elderly mother. He wanted to create a user friendly service that made care giver’s jobs easier and gave him piece of mind.

    He said: “I’ve been in the IT business for about 35 years, my mother is 90 and I was thinking about what I would want to see if she was in a home, that’s where the idea for the business came. “My mother still travels a lot and it’s nice to know that my brothers can check in and see how she is doing using our technology.”

    Care Management Solution to Tedious Paperwork

    The concept has three components: Cura Web, Cura Tablet and Cura Kin. It was rolled out in England last year. Abu added: “We started about 18 months ago with a lot of fact finding and research on what changes we had to make to our system for greater accessibility and compliance with UK standards and customer practices.”

    The user friendly care planning system covers every aspect of the caring process, liberating caregivers from tedious paper work by providing them with an easy to use web based care home system, a tablet and a mobile care monitoring app. Abu said: “Today absolutely everybody can use a mobile phone, we wanted to create a type of technology that was as easy to use as a mobile phone.” The care planning system allows care givers to take vital information from residents and input it to their system instantly by using a user friendly tablet.

    Care Quality Commission

    Abu added: “The CQC want people to be well looked after, safe and respected but there has to be evidence of that, we can provide technology that meets the demands and is easy to use and update.“ A home can be run perfectly very day of the year but on the day the inspector comes a dementia resident could say they don’t like the food, even if they don’t remember what they had to eat. “The care planning app allow care givers to input the information quickly and easily.”

    Abu wanted to ensure that relatives were able to see exactly how their loved ones were doing, creating a social media style app, available on any smart phone that provides residents with a photo sharing platform. He added: “With the care homes approval and consent people involved in the caring process and residents next of kin can download an app and see what their grandma is doing, what she had for dinner and what activities she’s been involved in.”

    Abu believes some care givers have the wrong mind set when it comes to technology because of past experiences with long winded and complicated care home systems, he want to change the way carers think about industry technology, seeing it as a helpful tool rather than a hindrance. “Caregivers are so busy they feel they don’t have time to use technology, computer systems have not been very kind and that’s given people the mindset they have to be fed in order to get anything done.

    “We want to get them out of that mindset and get them to embrace technology.”