John Rowley: A 30-year digital journey

John Rowley’s digital transformation strategies brought care homes to an entirely new level

A respected veteran of the care industry, John Rowley is Cura Systems’ Senior Sales Manager in the UK.

How do you think care planning systems have transformed the care sector?

Enormously – I believe they are essential.  Care has improved and care planning system help hugely. They make life easier for staff, save them loads of time and release them from the endless burden of records keeping. Care planning systems also remind staff to do important things at the right time. It’s only a matter of time before they’re mandatory.

What is the key to successful digital transformation?

Digital transformations do not happen overnight. We must start empowering our caregivers by giving them the right tool that will make their care time so much more productive.

John Rowley’s Impact on the Care Industry with Healthcare Software

I’m a great believer in the comprehensive product, and that’s exactly what Cura is. It’s flexible and easy to operate, with so many useful ways of care planning, tracking medication, mobile care monitoring and recording ongoing care. Clients love neat features such as voice recognition, which saves so much time. They see impressive results fast, and even the most resistant person can do something constructive almost straight away. They get really excited when they see the massive time savings.

What would you like to tell care homes that have yet to make the digital leap?

It’s hard to understand why there are still some care homes that have not adopted technology to help deliver their vital services. The daily challenges of caring and meeting compliance requirements can so easily result in a less than adequate ratings and yet, some care providers are still unaware of the benefits of going digital. No matter how challenging the process of change may be, it will be a lot easier than managing that pile of paperwork and caregivers will have significantly more time caring for residents.

How does Cura Systems care for its customers?

The support is great. We can usually deliver care management solutions overnight as some staff are in Singapore and work while the UK is asleep.  The healthcare planning system is designed to make everything simpler, including giving great care. When Cura is set up properly, managers don’t need to check up on staff. The system alerts them only when something isn’t done. It saves a lot of time and energy.

Our company slogan, “Cura Means Care”, says it all. After the initial hand-holding through the implementation process, we don’t just leave our customers with an ad-hoc support package. We are here to make that transition as smooth and painless as possible with regular post implementation follow up.

Why did you want to work for Cura?

I met Cura Systems founder Abu Omar at a trade exhibition, and I was really impressed with him and the ethos of the company. I admire his enthusiasm to raising the bar in the care sector and his dedication to ensuring all customers gain the best value from their investment in Cura.

How did you get started in the care industry?

I was a maths teacher and I wrote a DOS application to handle admin at a colleague’s care home. I designed the first assessment-based care system, which was widely copied. At one point, I had my own company and employed 20 people.

I’ve been in the industry for nearly 30 years now and I’m proud to say I’m a pioneer in the care industry.

What are you most proud of and what continues to inspire you?

It’s great when you win over a client that is really negative. I arrived at one meeting after a long journey and the manager said he expected my demonstration to last only a few minutes as he’d already seen the competition and wasn’t impressed. Two and a half hours later, I left with an order.

I love connecting with people. I’m really looking forward to introducing Cura to the many contacts I’ve built up over the years.

Give your care home a competitive advantage. To arrange a demo, please contact John on 077 1490 0674 or email at John.Rowley@Cura.Systems.