Take your care management to the next level

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed our world, and we have had to learn new ways to cope in an incredibly difficult environment. The virus has driven changes for the worse but also some for better outcomes.

Whilst the emergence of vaccines hold great promise for 2021, they will not change the fundamentals of providing care. Service Providers will continue to face extraordinary demands and this calls for a re-assessment of the tools required to maintain high standards of care. One such area is the adoption of technology as an aid to care excellence.

Digital System - A Post-Pandemic Necessity

Care homes that adopted digital systems, no matter how basic, before the outbreak have shown clear benefits in productivity, improved communications and huge savings in time. Cura Systems does that and more. It empowers the caregivers, freeing them up from tedious paperwork to support the service users and enables every action to be recorded in compliance with CQC regulations. Our latest addition, Resource Planner, enables flawless management of staff rosters; in conjunction with Cura Angel, a mobile based app that allows care staff to see and confirm their shifts, etc.

"There is an opportunity now for government, Parliament and health and care leaders to agree and lay out a vision for the future at both a national and local level. This should include plans for addressing the inequalities accentuated by COVID, the workforce challenges that have become even more acute, and the necessary investment in technology." - Peter Wyman and IanTrenholm, Chair and Chief Executive of CQC 

Cura: Your Guide to a Successful Digital Transformation Journey

Our focus is to provide a fully-integrated, easy to use care management system to improve quality of care and we look forward to an exciting and innovative 2021 for digital care. We understand the change required in processes and procedures and we are more than happy to guide you to a successful implementation, fully recognising the degree of change many older care workers have to go through. After all…Cura really does mean Care!

Kick start your new year with Cura! We are ready to support every home and make a positive change in your care delivery. Find out what you’re missing, contact us on 020 3621 9111or email at info@cura.systems to book a full system online demonstration today.