Cura makes technology work for the caregivers

Striving to achieve outstanding resident care and improve outcomes is a constant challenge, and the initial task of adopting technology can be daunting. Cura understands this and our technology and processes are designed to make the transformation as painless as possible, and the improved performance durable.

Enhance Care Operations with Cura’s Electronic Care Home System

You will be amazed how our graduated, tailored for the needs of caregivers, coupled with intuitive, simple-to-use technology leaves both caregivers and service users’ families assured about handling some of the daily challenges associated with providing quality care.

Here are just some of the ways in which Cura’s electronic care home system makes technology work for the caregiver:

  • Assessing & planning health needs and medical conditions
  • Monitoring prescribed medications
  • Accessibility of information at the point of care delivery
  • Improvement in communication between different caregivers, management and next of kin
  • Planning of daily resident’s activities such as meals, showering and events
  • Substantially eliminate redundant data entry and medication error
  • Improvement in resource planning and handover between shifts

See how Cura Systems is using technology to support care initiatives. For enquiries, please contact us on 020 3621 9111 or email us at